Welcome to Our media kit

Your one-stop resource for ASO's organizational information, branding & content

For general inquiries and to schedule interviews, contact:
Alicia Zeringue, Director of Strategic Communications
337-769-3013 | alicia@acadianasymphony.org




To inspire culture through music.


To bolster our cultural economy and uphold unparalleled civic value through the power and joy of music, by providing excellence in orchestral performances of diverse repertoire, as well as educational experiences that inspire and enrich our future generations, thus creating a vibrant community in which to live and work.


Music Education Programs



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ASO By The Numbers

The Symphony Over 39 Years


I really enjoyed the event [Mad Hatter's Luncheon & Style Show] this year.
The video and the children playing were a complete game changer for me in wanting to participate in the paddle donations.
The Fashion show was so Fabulous. The food was Fantastic!
I definitely want to put a deposit down for next years event.
Thanks For a Great Experience!
Chanda Trahan

It [the 2024 Christmas Concert] was spectacular. We’ve leaned toward experiences for Christmas over gifts as our kids have gotten older, and your musicians took us on a ride. I was in awe of the respect that each musican had for each other, and collectively for Maestro and Lauren. On behalf of the Broussard family, thanks for making this an extremely special Christmas experience for us.
Ben Broussard

I think HP and the Sorcerer’s Stone is now my all-time favorite movie. . . . Make no mistake, I have seen Gone With the Wind, Wizard of Oz, et al., numerous times over the years; they are legend, and I never tire of seeing them. But I was absolutely bowled over by the creativity of not only the story itself but also the application of that amazing talent to a “real-life-ish” setting and performance. . . . The ASO did a fabulous job, and the audience put the icing on the cake. I cannot remember a night in which I have had so much just-plain FUN. You all have my thanks and my admiration.
Jeanette Parker

"I just want to express our thanks for the Chamber Music Series, the Listening Room events, and generally for helping us to have classical music in this area. We desperately need this. I just came from the Virginia Luque concert (Jan 15, Listening Room, 3:00 pm). It was wonderful. Ms Luque was breathtaking. The chamber orchestra was great. Thank you!"
Mary Langlois

"Isabella loves learning things about the piano and how it works, and just loves the sounds of music. She loves the staff [at ASO] because they will take time out of their busy schedules to talk to her. She says they are her friends at music school."
Conservatory Parent

"Last night [Valentine's Day 2023], ASO hosted a guest performer who doesn’t just play an instrument perfectly - he produces magic that stops the whole universe from its combustive destruction and entropy to rearrange it all into hope, order, and beauty."
ASO Board Member-At-Large, Kohlie Frantzen
(on guest saxophonist, Karèn Devroop)

"I attended the concert at St. Peter's Church [in New Iberia]. I'm down visiting from Chicago. The concert was excellent, and in particular the selection. I heard a lot that I haven't heard in a long time and "saw" several movies and plays again. I've attended a few concerts at Orchestra Hall in Chicago, and this was as good, if not better than anything I've heard before."
Robert Kastigar

"My husband and I won the wonderful symphony giveaway for Valentine's Day. What a beautiful gift! The Mignon Faget glassware is just beautiful. Scott Mulvahill will be staying with us during his visit to Lafayette, so we will be sharing all the goodies with him. We are so excited about the show! Thank you for having us."
Jon-Ella & David Hays

"[The Valentine's Day 2023 concert] was such a high quality event! Intimate - I bought two CD's! We are hoping to get season tickets next year. We also enjoyed the Star Wars event to which my daughter Madison and I went."
George Holland

"My family has enjoyed FAD for a few years now but this year was extra special! We were able to bring my nephew along with us!! He is a special needs little man and your staff was available for me to purchase him a bracelet and a shirt the morning of the event. This alone was super special for me that your facility was open for my last minute needs. My nephew was able to take part in many activities and interact with some super awesome people (hello Michael from Acadiana Symphony - you rock dude!!) and was always welcomed and made to feel part of each activity that we did. My entire family had a fabulous day thanks to all of the hard work of your staff and generosity of all the local business. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for making this day possible."