Why It's Good Business To Support The Arts


"Businesses should recognize that supporting arts and cultural programs can help to build their surrounding communities. The stronger the community is, the better the business opportunities can be for a company. A city with a vibrant artistic and cultural scene often attracts better talent, and a company that is directly involved with that vibrancy is set up to better retain and grow that talent. Businesses that support local arts and cultural organizations can add value to their corporate brand and their bottom line."

As a buisness you should consider:  

  • The arts and cultural economic activity produced over $804 billion in the U.S. for 2016. The arts have a significant impact on the country’s economy.
  • Customers are concerned with how companies behave ethically and socially and care about the level of involvement a company has with its community. Corporations recognize the importance of engaging with their communities, as it gives these companies a unique position among competitors. Standing out is very important to companies. 
  • Companies that donate their resources to local arts help to cultivate service to community members. 
  • Sponsorship is a great method of support for arts and cultural programs. Besides sponsorship, company participation in the arts community is another good way for companies to show their support.

For more information read the Forbes article HERE.