Currently Browsing: Education

How Music Can Help a Child Find Confidence

Music is one of the most beautiful things in the world. It's an outlet that has been invaluable to people of all ages practically since the beginning of time. It can be a particularly positive thing for impressionable and bright-eyed children,...

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Educational Benefits of Music

Music is not only a useful resource for mental health but important for creating a positive interactive educational environment. With school and most education systems on pause, it is important to keep kids’ minds active and ready to learn....

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Music Lessons Were the Best Thing Your Parents Ever Did for You, According to Science

Your parents probably made you do a lot of things as a child that you didn’t like or appreciate at the time. They most likely required you to participate in a sport, a club, or music lessons growing up. If you never thanked your parents,...

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High School Students Do Better In Science, Math And English If They Also Take Music Lessons

The Acadiana Symphony Orchestra & Conservatory advocates that music education should be available to everyone. We believe music enriches young minds and aids in knowledge retention. This is the very reason why our summer camp program is centered...

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Just Keep Singing

“Music gave me unexpected gifts: public speaking and leadership skills.”  Our school of music as a commitment. Eugenie is a perfect example of what a committed student can accomplish. Studying music is important for...

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The Whole Story of Beethoven’s Deafness

Imagine directing an orchestra you can’t hear. Or playing a soundless piano for a staring audience. Most know classical composer Ludwig van Beethoven struggled with deafness — but many don’t realize how much of a struggle it...

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